The Image Is There

Annie Ernaux on writing: The image is there.

Annie Ernaux on writing: The image is there.

The image is there, it exists, but in a state of latency. Before writing, I have the impression that it does not exist. It is born from the order of the words chosen, it is work,but not stylistic work, it is about the agreement between the thing felt and the words. It is the same for everyone, this agreement to be found which allows me to think (…). Each sentence is this adjustment of words and sensation. The image does not exist for me without sensation. It is normal. There is no memory without sensation. We remember the things that have impressed us. This is what then allows memory to find them. But I do the opposite approach. Since I have this image, I look for what the sensation was, which I will translate into words.

In the end, the ultimate goal of writing, the ideal to which I aspire, is to think and feel in others, as others - writers, but not only - have thought and felt in me. - Annie Ernaux

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Annie Deconstructs Her Methods

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